Add userΒΆ



configuration/ configuration/

# Example: jboss-eap-7.0/bin/ -dc dc/domain/configuration/ -p password1! -u admin


-a                              # Create a user in the application realm. If omitted, the default is to create a user in the management realm.
-dc <value>                     # Domain configuration directory that will contain the properties files. Default "EAP_HOME/domain/configuration/".
-sc <value>                     # Alternative standalone server configuration directory that will contain the properties files.
                                # Default "EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration/".
-up, --user-properties <>       # Alternative user properties file.
                                # Absolute path or a file name used in conjunction with the -sc or -dc argument that specifies the alternative configuration directory.
-g, --group <value>             # A comma-separated list of groups to assign to this user.
-gp, --group-properties <>      # This argument specifies the name of the alternative group properties file.
                                # Absolute path or a file name used in conjunction with the -sc or -dc argument that specifies the alternative configuration directory.
-p, --password <value>          # The password of the user.
-u, --user <value>              # The name of the user. Only alphanumeric characters and the following symbols are valid: ,./=@\.
-r, --realm <value>             # The name of the realm used to secure the management interfaces. If omitted, the default is ManagementRealm.
-s, --silent                    # Run the add-user script with no output to the console.
-e, --enable                    # Enable the user.
-d, --disable                   # Disable the user.
-cw, --confirm-warning          # Automatically confirm warning in interactive mode.
-h, --help                      # Display usage information for the add-user script.